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Korea Peace Summit North And South Leaders Meet For First Time In Over A Decade

Korea Peace Summit: North and South Leaders Meet for First Time in Over a Decade

Historic Summit Marks New Era of Diplomacy

Leaders Discuss Denuclearization, Peace, and Cooperation

In a historic meeting, the leaders of North Korea and South Korea, Kim Jong-un and Moon Jae-in, met today for the first time in over a decade. The summit, held in the demilitarized zone (DMZ) between the two countries, marked a new era of diplomacy and cooperation on the Korean Peninsula.

The leaders discussed a wide range of issues, including denuclearization, peace, and economic cooperation. They agreed to work towards a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula and to reduce tensions along the heavily fortified border.

The summit is seen as a major step forward in the ongoing efforts to improve relations between the two Koreas. The leaders expressed their commitment to working together to build a more prosperous and peaceful future for both countries.
